Remember when I made my own laundry detergent? We have loved the results and still have not had to remake any detergent. Folks, I made that first batch of soap in January! It's October and I still have quite a bit left.
But you're probably wondering why I'm posting about laundry detergent again. Well, as military life goes, my hubby is leaving for an extended period of time and will find himself living the bachelor life, which includes doing his own laundry. (Don't get me wrong, he knows how, I just get it done while he's at work) We thought about just buying some Tide pods and calling it a day, but then I saw how expensive they were. He likes our homemade stuff, but didn't want to travel with the liquid detergent. Solution! Make him the dry detergent and send him on his way!
I didn't make a full recipe since he wouldn't need quite that much. I ended up with a cup of finely shredded Fels-Naptha (which was like 1/3 of a 97 cent bar), and a 1/2 cup each of borax and washing soda. Put it all into an airtight container....
...And use 2 TBSP per load.
I put a ziploc bag of dryer sheets in with the dry detergent and put the lid on. He is all set, at least when it comes to laundry. He'll have to figure out cooking for himself and not just eating out all the time :)
For full details on how to make dry or liquid detergent, click
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