Reusable Lunch Box Notes | Occasionally Crafty: Reusable Lunch Box Notes

Tuesday, August 28

Reusable Lunch Box Notes

We recently posted our Lunch Box Notes over at CraftJunkie Too, but in case you missed it, we wanted to re-post it here so you can get some use out of these once school starts.

  It's hard to believe it's already time for that, but our kids have actually started school already.  Valerie's kids are in week 3, and Laura's are in week 2.  Crazy!   Anyway, today we're sharing with you some Re-usable Lunch Notes for your kids.

We've seen lots of printable lunch notes to stick in your kids' lunches, and they're adorable.  But, if you want a more eco-friendly option (not to mention saving on the cost of paper and ink to print them out), we hope you'll consider using ours.

We each designed a "boy"-themed note and a "girl"- themed note.  Simply right click to save them to your computer.  Then you can print them out, laminate them, and use a dry erase or overhead marker to write your notes on them each day.  If you don't have a laminator, you can either get it done at an office store or use self-laminating pouches from the store.

Here are Valerie's notes:

These are Laura's notes:

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(We've got to say that making these is addicting!  We could've made designs all day long!  If ours aren't your style, it would be pretty easy to make your own-- you could use Publisher or even an online photo editor like PicMonkey.)
Valerie's kids use a Bento box for  lunches, so it comes home every day.  The note won't get thrown out because they don't use wrappers or plastic baggies.  If you're concerned it might, try using these in your child's backpack or homework folder instead.  

We hope you have fun spreading a little love to your kids this school year!  

We are linking these up to: 

Craft-o-Maniac- Monday Link Up

Keeping it Simple- Motivate Me Monday

Sugar Bee Crafts- Take a Look Tuesday

Someday Crafts-Whatever Goes Wednesday

Lil' Luna- Link Party

Somewhat Simple- Strut Your Stuff

Naptime Crafters- Friday Favs

I Heart Naptime- Sundae Scoop Weekend Wrap-up

Come back tomorrow for an awesome giveaway!   Have a great day!

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