Happy September everyone! Did August fly by for anyone else? Wow. It's been crazy, but now the kids are in school and routines are getting back to normal, so that means more time for the blog.
So, Amazon has this new stream called Interesting Finds. It's updated daily, and it has all sorts of fun stuff. So, I thought once in a while I'd show you my favorites of the week. It's a fun way to get to know me, by seeing what makes me smile. And I can get to know you if you tell me what your favorites are!
So, here are this week's Friday Fun Finds:
1. Decole Cat Mug and Spoon. These kitties are adorable. And useful.
2. Hanging Terrarium Planters. I have to admit, when I first saw the picture, I thought these were earrings. I thought "this is taking the succulent craze too far!" But no. They are cute planters. Perfect for your house or outdoor space :)
3. Bread Box. I'm sorry, this is lovely. And it would have fit right in with my old kitchen. My new kitchen....not so much. Luckily they have it in other colors!
4. Almost Adulting: Well, here's the perfect gift for those grads this year. Check out this description from the publisher:
By the end of the book—a mash-up of essays, lists, and artwork—you'll have learned not only how to dress yourself, how to travel alone, how to talk to strangers online, and how to date strangers (in PERSON!), but also how to pass as a real, functioning, appropriately socialized adult.
Now where was this when I was an almost-adult?
5. Narwhal Pushpins: I've got a daughter who loves Narwhals. She's always singing "Narwhal, narwhal swimming in the ocean, causing a commotion...." These would be perfect for her!
Okay, those are the ones that jumped off the page to me. Which one is your favorite? Or do you have another favorite fun find? SHOW ME!
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