So a few weeks ago our family introduced a new member, a puppy named Carson! He is a miniature schnauzer rescued from the Humane Society. He has been a great addition to our clan and we love him very much.
Of course my wallet took a hit with all the little things that pets need, so I immediately started thinking of ways to cut corners on the budget. We thought of making our own dog food, but there are certain vitamins and supplements you have to include which are quite pricey by themselves and didn't seem to make up for the cost of dog food.
But what about treats? I came across a picture on Facebook for how to make your own Frosty paws, a frozen treat for your dog to enjoy. These things are like $6 for a pack of four! No way am I buying those! But I can make my own! I couldn't find a link to the original recipe via the Facebook page, but did find the original post by googling for it (us bloggers work too hard for someone else to take credit for it). The recipe is simple and you can find the details here, needing just four ingredients!
Blend your ingredients together and pour into ice cube trays.
Once frozen you can store in a freezer bag for individual servings!