The Handmade Hangout #52- Introducing Alli +FEATURES! | Occasionally Crafty: The Handmade Hangout #52- Introducing Alli +FEATURES!

Thursday, June 11

The Handmade Hangout #52- Introducing Alli +FEATURES!

Hi everyone!  Welcome to another edition of the Handmade Hangout!  Link up today for a chance to be featured on EIGHT different blogs!

I'm featuring three of my favorite projects that were linked up at last week's party!

1.  I love this Neutral Summer Mantel from Anderson+Grant:

  2.  These gorgeous Apple Rose Puffed Pastries from To Simply Inspire:

Apple Rose Puffed Pastries

3.  This DIY Rustic Arrow Growth Chart by Blesser House: I love the new spin on a popular project!  
DIY Rustic Arrow Growth Chart | Bless'er House - Cute twist on the oversized ruler ones!

Now, let's meet this week's hostess.  

Hello and HAPPY DAY! I'm Alli, the HAPPY maker behind Made with HAPPY, a creative lifestyle blog in pursuit of all things HAPPY. The left side of my brain is a skilled computer programmer, analyst, and statistician, while the right-side loves to be covered in glitter, paint, pizza and sawdust. My passion lies in creating simple HAPPY crafts, recipes, entertaining, traveling and DIY home projects.
Here are a few of my post that I think give you an idea of what you're going to find over at MADE WITH HAPPYmadewithHAPPY-treehouse

Last Summer, I build this Made with HAPPY Treehouse for my kids along with my Dad. I share all the steps to make this baby for yourself for under $300.Rainbow-Birthday-3

I threw my daughter a rainbow birthday party full of all kinds of beautiful rainbow decorations which included a Rainbow Punch Pinata that was a HUGE hit!cranberry-ginger-cocktail-23 Ingredients Cookies

Two of my favorite things to make are food and drinks, and you're going to find lots of both. Here is the recipe for the Cranberry Ginger Cocktail as well as the 3 Ingredients Cookies.paper-windsocks-6

Lastly, if you're looking for fun crafts and activities with your kids, we've got you covered. We share fun and whimsical posts like this one on paper windsocks as well as some educational.
I absolutely love being part of the Handmade Hangout and do hope you stop by Made with HAPPY and say hello!! You can also find me at

Facebook - Twitter - Pinterest - Google+ - Instagram

Finally- it's time to link up! Remember- just a few rules:

1.  Become a follower of the blog where you linked up.  Of course we'd love it if you follow all our hosts on whatever platforms you use most!

Allison from A Glimpse Inside

Christina from Christina's Adventures

Becca from From Gardners to Bergers

Kim from Too Much Time on My Hands

Heather from Twin Dragonfly Designs

Valerie from Occasionally Crafty

Tracie from Cleverly Inspired

Alli from Made with HAPPY

2.  Share our button or party link in your post or wherever you share your linky parties

Occasionally Crafty

Link up your projects!

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