Printable Planning Sheet: Daily Blogging Tasks | Occasionally Crafty: Printable Planning Sheet: Daily Blogging Tasks

Monday, February 23

Printable Planning Sheet: Daily Blogging Tasks

I'm curious-- how many of you are bloggers?

I consider myself a hobby blogger because I like to share projects, I like for people to see them, but I also like having plenty of time for my family life and other things I enjoy.

I've realized though that I am more of a serious blogger than I thought I was.  I've been blogging for several years.  I know how to work with HTML (to a point).  I care about my stats.  I am active on social media.  I even occasionally get paid ;).

While blogging will mostly likely not be a full-time job for me, my little hobby has grown into more than that- thanks to you readers!

I know not all of you are bloggers, but if you are, you might find this helpful as you try to organize your life and balance the time-suck that is social media.

This Daily Blogging Tasks Planning Sheet will help you know what to focus your time on each day.  Ideally, you will have time to do all of these each day (with the help of some scheduling tools).  But if not, that's okay too- I have a blank one for you to write your own blogging tasks!

Mine is laminated, and I'm keeping it on a clipboard near my computer.

Download a completed one with the tasks I've chosen here.

Download a blank one to complete yourself here.

Note-- Thanks to Leelou Blogs for the cute header!

How do you organize your time?

I'm linking this up to some of these parties: 

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  1. Printables are the best! I have gotten into a routine of knowing what times of that day I can fit in my commenting and such. Life is busy but I make it work!

    1. Ditto- I have three kids and I am always busy, but having a routine helps so much! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I have my organized printables.. some I made by myself and some I got it for free online. I have 3 sets. I'm an Etsy seller so I have one set for Etsy, the other one is for blog and the last one is to organize my everyday life. I found that I'm more productive if I write everything down.

    1. I am not naturally organized so I usually depend on people like you to help me out! It is so helpful to write it down. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I think this is incredibly useful! Thank you!

  4. I am a new blogger...3 months in. This is a wonderful resource...I like that I can customize it because some things I may not be "there" yet! Thanks so much for your generosity in sharing! I am finding out that bloggers are the best!

    1. Seriously- other bloggers have helped me so much! I'm glad to share what works for me. I hope it helps you as you get into blogging more!

  5. Omg, I so need this! I'm laminating one right away. :)

    1. Great Diane! I'm just wondering now why it took me so long to make one of these :)

  6. This is so helpful to me (yep - a blogger)! Thank you so much for sharing!

  7. Thanks this is helpful! Stop by and share your freebie at my weekly party if you like. My readers would love this!

  8. Great idea! With a full-time job, it's so hard to find the time to write, edit, and do all the other 9 million things you need to do as a blogger! I'm KIND of fortunate being single/childfree because I have more time at home to do this stuff, but that doesn't mean it doesn't sometimes fall to the wayside. Thanks for creating this!

  9. This is great! I'm a total scatter brain & need something like this in my life.

  10. Thank you! This is so helpful! I have definitely been feeling overwhelmed lately!

  11. I love the pre-filled checklist that you have made. I always struggle trying to remember what I need to do for my blog daily. I really appreciate you offering this to us. Thank you so much.


Thanks so much for stopping by! I try to answer all valid comments as soon as possible, but you can also email with an urgent question. Have a great day!