Happy Memorial Day everyone! I'm taking the day off to spend time with family and friends. I hope you are too! Hubby's playing golf, I'm hitting Hobby Lobby, then we're off to swimming and BBQ. What are you doing today?
Of course, I want to say a special thank you to our troops, particularly those who have lost their lives in service to our country. Words are not enough.....but it's all I have today, so if you are a part of a military family, I honor you today!
And of course, a last minute idea for that BBQ- Patriotic Strawberries.
** Update**- This picture has been pinned a lot, and when I originally wrote the post, I was new to the whole "Pinterest" thing and didn't source it properly. I found the picture via Pinterest, which linked me to here. So, thanks to All Recipes for the inspiration!
I found this via my new obsession, Pinterest. It's invitation only- and I have a few to offer. If you're interested in trying out Pinterest, leave me a comment or email me, and I'll send one to you until I run out!
Have a great day, everyone!
LOVE LOVE LOVE these berries.