Today's Halloween project is part of the 30 Days of Halloween Series hosted by Allison at Cupcake Diaries and featuring many of your favorite bloggers!
I love to make seasonal printables, so I decided to make one featuring all of the classic "creepy" places from scary or Halloween-themed movies.
It took a bit of brainstorming, but I finally came up with enough to fill a page.
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I've got to be honest- I don't really watch scary movies anymore. I used to watch them, and I would have horrible nightmares. The one that absolutely sticks in my head more than any is this old 80's movie called When A Stranger Calls.
Omigosh omigosh omisgosh. Have you seen that movie? It is terrifying. You know that classic babysitting story where the babysitter keeps getting weird phone calls, and she finally gets the police to try and trace the call, and they tell her to GET OUT because it's coming from another line in the house?
Yeah, that's just the first few minutes of the movie.
I can't even talk about it without peeking over my shoulder.
So what movie most terrified/terrifies you? Can you think of any other spooky places I missed? Tell me all about it in the comments!
Check out the other projects below- and don't forget to come back all month for new projects!